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A member registered Aug 12, 2018

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Thank you so much for doing this! I was following this game since the beginning but wasn't able to play the full thing because I have no source of income at the moment. Hopefully, I can support creators like you very soon! Thank you for your hard work and thank you for giving us the opportunity to play the full game! Best wishes and stay safe!

I'm so excited for this and am so proud of you!! I can't wait to see where this goes! <3333

Oh ok, thank you very much and sorry for the small inconvenience!

So I just take it out the folder?

Hi, I've loved this game so far but I'm having a bit of trouble with the save.  I've had to restart twice now and maybe it's my fault for the first time?  The first time when it would ask me if I wanted to save after a chapter I would click yes and I thought that would be fine but when I came back the next day to play it, it didn't give me the option to load to my last save so I just restarted which kinda sucked.  So I instead tried to save through the setting button and closed out the game to see if that would work but when I reopened it, it just showed the screen where you first start and asked me if I've already played the beta version and I have to go through everything again.  Thank you in advanced for your help!